The King of Shadows by Robert McCammon: Signed Copies Available!

We’re very pleased to announce a surprise bonus for The King of Shadows trade hardcover edition, which will be published on December 6:

Earlier this year, Robert McCammon generously agreed to sign signature sheets for this edition, so any copies ordered directly from Lividian Publications or one the retailers below will be a 1st printing signed by the author. This includes copies already ordered, you do not need to order again. (The copies going to Amazon, etc, will NOT be signed — see the update below for more information.)

Bad Moon Books * Camelot Books * Cemetery Dance Publications * Dark Regions * Kathmandu Books * Overlook Connection * SST Publications (UK Store!) * Subterranean Press * Ziesings

The Alabama Booksmith is also receiving 1st printing copies, but without the signed tip sheet because Robert McCammon will be visiting their store for a launch event and personally signing all of their copies. If you cannot attend this signing, you can also preorder a copy through their website.

Please Note:
We’ve received a surge of orders over the last six weeks and we’ve reached the point where Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and the other bigger retailers will not be getting first printings. Given the current supply chain problems with the printers, there is no way to rush a second printing in time for pub day, so we will also be publishing this title as a print-on-demand hardcover using the same printer Cemetery Dance used for Gwendy’s Final Task. If you order from a bigger retailer, the odds are good that is what you will receive. They’re still very nice books, and a huge leap forward from where POD was just five years ago, but we wanted to be clear that those copies wouldn’t be part of the offset 1st printing we’re talking about above.

About the Book:
It’s January of 1704, and Matthew Corbett continues his mission to Italy, accompanied by Hudson Greathouse and former enemy Professor Fell. They seek Brazio Valeriani and information about the mirror created by his father, the sorcerer Ciro. Legend claims the mirror can be used to summon demons from beyond.

But fate has other plans for Matthew as their ship is disabled by a pod of whales, and they seek refuge on a secluded island. The islanders welcome them with a massive feast, but all is not what it seems. As the island pulls them deeper into its influence, the castaways struggle to maintain their grip on reality, even their very identity. Matthew must keep his wits about him and solve the mystery enshrouding the other side of the island, where an active volcano looms and a secretive creature lurks.

The King of Shadows is the eighth installment in bestselling author Robert McCammon’s acclaimed series of historical thrillers featuring Matthew Corbett, a brave “problem-solver” who now faces a challenging foe that threatens to take over his most valuable resource: his own mind.

Read more or reserve your copy today!

If you haven’t read this incredible series yet, please visit the The Matthew Corbett Trade Paperback SIGNED First Printing Bundle product page for more information about how you can order the new trade paperbacks including one SIGNED by Robert McCammon!


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