Just Announced: The Store by Bentley Little (and already 90% sold out!)

“Best outright horror novelist? Bentley Little, in a walk… he can go from zero to surreal in 6.0 seconds.”
— Stephen King

Lividian Publications is thrilled to announced our deluxe signed, numbered, and slipcased Limited Edition hardcover of The Store by Bentley Little, which will be shipping in less than four weeks and is already more than 90% sold out based on demand from current Lividian collectors!

This special edition was lavishly crafted with collectors and readers alike in mind. Dirk Berger provided stunning color artwork for the dust jacket and frontispiece, plus sixteen black and white illustrations for the interior. Jeff Strand contributed an original foreword and Bentley Little wrote a brand new introduction discussing the origins of one of his most popular novels to date.

Whether you’re already a fan of this classic horror novel or a first-time visitor to The Store, this is a special edition you won’t want to miss!

Read more or place your order while our supplies last!

Don’t forget that our books are also carried by some of our favorite small presses and retailers:

Bad Moon Books
Camelot Books
Cemetery Dance Publications
Dark Regions
Gerald Winters and Son
Kathmandu Books
Overlook Connection
SST Publications (UK Store!)
Subterranean Press


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